Havana University
Blockchain developer, researcher and professor🔗
April, 2021 – present
Havana, Cuba
- Researched the feasibility to apply Substrate blockchain framework to create a permissioned blockchain.
- Investigated the feasibility of using Solidity and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to create smart contracts for a permissioned Substrate node blockchain.
- Trained computer science students teaching the theory behind blockchain, the most used blockchain platforms (Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Substrate) and how to work with them.
- Work directly in seminars provided by the University with the objective of divulge Blockchain benefits for the Economy.
- Attended to Masters courses of "Introduction to Blockchain" and "Advanced Blockchain Topics" from foreign universities.
- Designed and implemented RainyelCert project, a permissioned blockchain network using Substrate framework for certificates signing and storage.
- Co-workers:
Lab Head: Luis Ramiro Piñeiro Diaz (ResearchGate | Articles | Magazines)